Helpful Cleaning Tips For Your Window AC Unit

Helpful Cleaning Tips For Your Window AC Unit

As we move into the higher temperatures of August, keeping your window AC unit working efficiently is a top priority to combat the heat. Over time, these units can accumulate mold and other bacteria that may cause harm to you and your family. It is therefore essential to ensure the cleanliness of these units before you begin running them continuously.

Keep Your Window AC Unit Clean and Safe

To prevent mold growth from accumulating on your unit, regular cleaning and servicing is necessary. Take these precautionary steps to ensure the safety of your home in the summer months.

● Keep Your AC Unit on Auto – Often, mold growth happens when you are out of the house. If you are planning a vacation this summer, instead of turning your AC unit off for the duration of your vacation, turn your unit to Auto. This will help ensure that while you are gone, moisture is not able to accumulate, which would create a perfect habitat for mold growth.

● Perform Regular Cleanings on Your Unit – Window AC units should be cleaned daily for best results. You can clean your window AC unit simply by first unplugging it. Then remove the filter in your unit and soak it in warm soapy water. Next, spray the unit with hydrogen peroxide mixtures and scrub between the fins. Lastly, wait till the unit is dry before reassembling it and plugging it back in.

● Have a Professional Service Your Unit – Ideally, window AC units should be serviced once a year, before the warmer months, to ensure they are in running order.

Keep Cool This August

August is typically the hottest month of the year. Don’t let the heat overcome you, allow our professional and friendly team at Hardcastle Home Services to service your home. To stay cool, contact us today!

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